The contact person for the pop-up conferencing day in Strasbourg is Romane Joly, Université de Strasbourg.
JOLY Romane – SAGE – University of Strasbourg (
The contact person for the pop-up conferencing day in Freiburg is Michelle Thompson, Universität Freiburg.
Michelle Thompson | GRK Erzählen (
The contact person for all things itinerance/ mobilities is Christian Hanser, University of Edinburgh.
Christian Hanser (PhD student and MSc tutor) | The University of Edinburgh
Logistics for the itinerant conference are provided by the Rêv’othèque project based in France that was initiated by Christian Hanser ( For a video of the tiny house at previous academic events (as a ‘conference fringe’):
The Welcome Hut conference fringe – YouTube
Are you interested in participating in one or more of the planned dates as a volunteer? Would you like to organise one pop-up event on your own campus yourself? Are you ready to join a group of Early Career Researchers who question the design of academic events?
Get in touch with us:

Une idée née entre deux confinements en 2020:
L’idée du colloque itinérant entre réseaux de recherche à Strasbourg et à Fribourg donne une suite à la journée experimentale organisée par des jeunes sur le campus de Freiburg im Breisgau dans l’été 2020.

Notre colloque itinérant est organisé avec le soutien du CIERA dans le cadre du programme colloques juniors