Our first event will take place on April 30th in Freiburg im Breisgau. The workshop is now fully booked, but you can come throughout the day to discover the Tiny Campus and listen to the open presentations!
Our pop-up conference takes place at Karl-Rahner-Platz, near KGIV in the centre of Freiburg.
Tiny Campus on Tour
Freiburg: Drawing as a Practice – Practicing Drawing
30. April 2022
9:45 | Ankommen und Anmeldung Arrival and registration (behind/ hinter KGIV, Karl Rahner Platz) |
10:00 | Begrüßung Welcome |
10:10 | Vorstellung der Teilnehmer:innen Participant introductions |
11:00 | Einführung in das Zeichnen als Sehen, Wissen, Erzählen, Zusammenarbeiten Introduction to drawing as seeing, knowing, narrating, collaborating |
12:00 | Mittagspause Lunch break |
13:00 | Präsentation und Diskussion: Zeichnen als Methode Presentation and discussion: Using drawing as a method |
14:30 | Praktischer Workshop: Konzepte in Bilder übersetzen Hands-On Workshop: Translating concepts into images |
17:35 | Abschließende Diskussion Wrap-up and discussion |
18:00 | Programmende Program ends |
Bis / until ca. 18:30 | Informelle Gespräche und Verabschiedung Informal conversations and goodbyes |
Die eingeladene Gäster sind / Our invited speakers are:
Ingo Rohrer mit / with Tilmann Waldvogel
Der Ethnologe Ingo Rohrer hat in seinem letzten großen Forschungsprojekt in der Strafjustiz Argentiniens zum Thema der Imagination geforscht. Da Imagination immer über das textuelle und narrative Feld hinausgeht, stellte sich für ihn die Frage, wie er auch visuelle Komponenten in seine Arbeit integrieren könnte. Statt sich auf das eigene Talent zu verlassen, suchte er die Kollaboration mit dem Illustrator Tilmann Waldvogel. Ausgehend von knappen ethnografischen Beschreibungen fertigte dieser Zeichnungen an, die einerseits auf empirischen Daten basieren, anderseits aber vor allem der eigenen Imaginationskraft entspringen. Diese Art – Erzählung in Visualisierung zu übertragen und wissenschaftliche Beobachtung und kreativen Ausdruck miteinander zu verweben – werden wir im Rahmen des Workshops vorführen und zur Diskussion stellen.
Ingo Rohrer, an anthropologist, conducted his last major research project in the criminal justice system of Argentina on the topic of imagination. Since imagination always goes beyond the textual and narrative field, the question arose how he could also integrate visual components into his work. Instead of relying on his own talent, he sought collaboration with illustrator Tilmann Waldvogel. Starting with concise ethnographic descriptions, Tilmann produced drawings that were based on empirical data on the one hand, but on the other hand sprang primarily from the power of his own imagination. This way – to transfer narration into visualization and to interweave scientific observation and creative expression – will be presented and discussed during the workshop.
Eva Singler
Eva Singler ist Illustratorin und Designerin und wird den praktischen Teil unseres Workshops leiten. In ihrem Workshop “Sketchnotes” (Skizze+Notiz) wird sie uns zeigen, wie man Wissen durch einfache, aber anschauliche Grafiken vermitteln kann. Die Verwendung von Sketchnotes hat Vorteile: Die Kombination von Text und Bild haften länger im Gedächtnis als beim Anblick von Textwüsten und Symbole sind je nach Kultur auch international und auch altersunabhängig einfach zu verstehen. Sie wird uns helfen, unsere Konzepte und Forschungsergebnisse in spielerische und leicht verständliche Bilder zu übersetzen. Sie schreibt: „Bei Sketchnotes geht es nicht um perfekte Kunstwerke. Viel mehr möchte ich Kursteilnehmer:innen dazu ermutigen mit ganz einfachen Formen ihr Anliegen zu transportieren. Hier muss niemand bereits schön zeichnen können, um Sketchnotes zu erlernen.“
Eva Singler is an illustrator and designer and will be leading the hands-on portion of our workshop. Through her “Sketchnotes” (Skizze+Notiz) workshop, she will help us understand how to communicate knowledge through simple yet demonstrative graphics. The use of Sketchnotes has the advantages that the combination of text and image can be more easily remembered in comparison to longer blocks of text and that symbols can be understood across different demographics and knowledge levels. She will help us translate our concepts and research results into playful and easy to understand images. She says: “Sketchnotes are not about perfect works of art. Rather, I would like to encourage course participants to convey their messages with very simple forms. No one needs to be able to draw beautifully to learn sketchnotes.”
The following is a preliminary programme of the day:
April 30th, 2022
Preliminary Programme (subject to change!)
Tiny Campus on Tour
Freiburg: Drawing as a Practice – Practicing Drawing
10:00 Welcome
10:10 Participant introductions
11:00 Short presentation: Introduction to drawing as seeing, knowing, narrating, collaborating
11:20 Discussion / exchange in small groups
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Short presentation and discussion: Using drawing as a method
14:15 Break
14:30 Hands-On Workshop: Translating concepts into images
17:30 Break
17:35 Wrap up and discussion
18:00 End
19:00 Optional: Supper in a restaurant
*Our hygiene concept will follow the most current version of the Allgemeine SARS-CoV-2-Hygieneordnung der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität (SARS-CoV-2-Hygieneordnung Universität). Due to the quickly changing nature of the pandemic, detailed information will be distributed to participants shortly before the event.
Event generously funded by GAA Universität Freiburg

Previous Calls of the Tiny Campus 2021:
You can participate as a workshop facilitator, as a discussion leader, or as a participant.
Workshop facilitators will run experiential methodological workshops with flexible length. They will take place in our immersive Tiny House outdoor environment and surrounding areas. Workshop facilitators should have experience using the presented methods in their research and feel comfortable sharing their approach with a group of doctoral students in an innovative way that allows to experience methodological questions beyond Powerpoint. Please submit an abstract (max. 500 words), video, or other artistic file explaining your idea for the workshop and a short biography (max. 200 words).
Discussion leaders will share their experiences, thoughts, or discussion questions in small groups in a shorter timeframe than workshop facilitators. This type of participation is intended for emerging scholars who are encountering problems with their research, are curious about certain methods, want to share their innovative practice, and so forth. The goal is to share and exchange at different stages of research. Please submit an abstract (max. 250 words) about your research or discussion questions and a short biography.
Please submit to: TinyCampusConference@gmail.com
(Feedback from the organising committee in February 2022)
If you would like to discover the Tiny Campus by being a participant, please let us know so that you can be notified once sign-up will be possible.
Some more questions for our first CfP: our travelling conference will offer a thematic focus at each specific pop-up event. The broad orientation of our call is research methods in public spaces. Throughout our tour we will hold workshops and conversations that begin to address questions like:
- What can research in public spaces look like?
- How can we (ethically) research the public realm?
- What place-based approaches are needed to do this?
Role of the Researcher
- What do(es) the researcher’s role(s) look like?
- What is collaboration and how does it impact a researcher?
Lessons learned
- How do we perform research / how have we performed research?
- What risks have we taken and what have we learned from them?
- How do we communicate such research results?
- Who are our target audiences?
- How can we connect academic and public spaces? What would a reciprocal relationship look like?
Experimental public methodology is an emerging field that appears messy, risky and implies a shift from ‘mastering’ a data collection to embracing spontaneity, uncertainty and non-linearity. It can present new challenges, but also new opportunities for researchers. The conference’s format is in itself a methodological experiment. We will be engaging both with public spaces and academic spheres and seeking to bridge the gaps between them.
First CfP in German